CryoFacials + CryoSlimming

CryoFacials tighten, sculpt target areas, reduce acne, and reduce wrinkles.

CryoSlimming tightens skin,
reduces fat, and sculpts targeted areas.
A non-surgical way to reduce fat!


Cryofacials, facials, frotox, targeted cryotherapy

CryoFacials are what we call Frotox instead of Botox! The cryo facial tightens skin, reduces wrinkles, and even treats acne. It is very effective at contouring unwanted curves. Results begin to appear in as little as 60 seconds!

In just 7-10 minutes, the CryoFacial will reduce wrinkles, tighten skin around the chin and jawline, and reduce under-eye puffiness.

CryoSlimming is the only non-surgical way to reduce fat cells. Its treatments are powered by CRYOLIPOLYSIS, a treatment that destroys fat cells by freezing them at 24 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. The cold treatment causes subcutaneous fat tissue apoptosis or cell death.

Results can be seen immediately, although injured fat cells are gradually eliminated by the body as they break down. This can take up to 72 hours post-treatment. Following a course of treatment, cells will continue to break down for 4 to 6 weeks.

Maximize the benefits of your CryoSlimming treatment with our recommended post-treatment care options. Incorporating lymphatic drainage massage or compression therapy can significantly enhance the results you see, providing a comprehensive approach to your fat reduction journey. 

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether or not Cryoslimming treatments are right for you. We hope this helps!


Cryoslimming, weight loss, fat removal

Please complete our Cryoslimming Consultation form and we will get back to you promptly.

  • The best candidates for Cryoslimming treatments are those who are not overweight. The treatment is not for weight loss but rather for the vast majority of those who have problem areas. For example, let’s say you exercise regularly, you eat well but your tummy just holds onto fat and is the area that bothers you the most. This is the perfect treatment for you!  

  • We don’t recommend these treatments for those classified as “obese”. This generally means those who have a BMI (body mass index) around or over 30. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, while someone with a BMI over 30 can still lose fat cells from this treatment, it won’t be noticeable enough to be worth it. Second, we need to focus on a small enough area in order to get it cold enough to freeze and kill the fat cells­­­ and generally the desired area is too large. However, we do recommend treatments on smaller areas in these cases such as the backs of the arms or under the chin. Often, losing a little bit of fat on an area like this will give one a boost of confidence and also motivation to start a healthy eating and fitness regimen.

  • If you fit the profile of being actively engaged in a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and regular exercise and are not overweight but just have a problem area, this treatment will likely work for you. However, in about 10% of cases, we don’t see noticeable results. The reason for this is unclear. Everyone’s physiology is different and it could just be that their fat cells don’t submit to apoptosis (cell death) from freezing as easily as someone else’s fat cells. But, in 90% of cases this amazing treatment works beautifully!

  • Cellulite occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin. Cryoslimming will reduce some of the fat that is bulging around the fibrous connective tissue and this makes everything look smoother. CryoSlimming treatment also offers some toning benefit due to the increased blood flow to the area. It’s basically reducing cellulite two ways - through removing bulging fat cells and temporarily firming the skin.

FAQ: CryoSlimming

  • Belly

    Love handles




    1. Avoid alcohol the day of.

    2. Avoid excessive caffeine day of.

    3. Increase water intake for optimal hydration.

    4. Wear loose clothing.

    1. Proper hydration, nutrition, and exercise are the most important for you to maintain.

    2. Hydration: Continue increased hydration you started before treatment. A good rule of thumb is to drink at least half your body weight in ounces per day.

    3. Nutrition: Avoid processed foods, simple carbs (such as sugar), excessive salt, trans fats, and saturated fats. Eat a healthy diet.

    4. Exercise: aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. This can be as simple as walking!

    5. Massage the body parts you had sculpted in strokes toward the groin, armpits, or neck (whichever is closest).

    6. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing and if you have any questions.

  • 1 to 2 sessions per week for 2 to 4 weeks based on desired results.

Book your session