Whole Body Cryotherapy

“It’s more like standing in front of your freezer, than jumping into cold water.”


Equipment: Juka Cryosauna


Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) exposes the body to extreme cold temperatures for a short period of time.  WBC helps heal sore muscles and combats inflammation.

Our whole body cryosauna envelopes you in a painless dry nitrogen vapor as cold as -220℉! In 2-3 minutes, your surface skin temperature lowers by 10-30 ℉, stimulating your body's natural healing response.

 Experience a boost in metabolism and a reduction of inflammation and pain. Most people feel energized after the session and sleep better for a few nights!

​Exposure to sub-zero temperatures triggers the release of anti-inflammatory proteins and endorphins. Oxygen circulation is increased within the bloodstream due to vasoconstriction and vasodilation. 

Professional athletes have used cryotherapy for years to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and recover faster. But you don't have to be an athlete to experience the benefits!

Conditions that may benefit​

  • Rheumatic diseases (arthritis)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Acute and chronic pain

  • Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis)

  • Migraine headaches

  • Limited range of motion from sprains, strains, overused muscles, etc.

  • Muscle fatigue from exercise

  • Mild (controlled) asthma


  • Pregnancy

  • severe Hypertension (BP> 180/100)

  • acute or recent myocardial infarction

  • unstable angina pectoris

  • Arrhythmia

  • symptomatic cardiovascular disease

  • cardiac pacemaker

  • peripheral arterial occlusive disease

  • venous thrombosis

  • acute or recent cerebrovascular accident

  • uncontrolled seizures

  • Raynaud’s Syndrome

  • Fever

  • tumor disease

  • symptomatic lung disorders

  • bleeding disorders, severe anemia

  • Infection

  • cold allergy

  • acute kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Path to wellness

  • Recommended frequency 3 times in a week

  • Combine with Red Light Therapy and/or Compression Therapy for additional benefit

Book your session



Q: How can I prepare for Cryotherapy?

  • It’s more like standing in front of a freezer than jumping in a cold pool

  • Skin must be dry and with no lotion

  • Remove all metal jewlery

  • No underwire bras–we can provide a sports bra if needed

  • Robe, wool socks, cotton gloves and wool mittens, and slippers provided

Q: What are some helpful tips?

  • Session lasts 2-3 minutes

  • We will measure your skin surface temperature before and after, Ideally you want your skin surface temperature to drop 30 degrees F for the most therapeutic results

  • Once you are in the cryosauna, you want to have as much skin exposed as you are comfortable with

  • Your head and neck, down to your clavicles, will be up out of the cryosauna so that you are breathing room air the whole time.

  • Oxygen sensors are at the head of the cyrosauna and in the room to confirm you are always breathing room air

  • All cryo-sessions are supervised the whole time.